Rotary Foundation is about helping Rotarians to do good in the world. It is:
1. Rotary’s charity Donate | Rotary International
2. The trust fund of Rotary International
3. Its mission is to enable Rotarians to advance world understanding, goodwill, and peace.
The projects supported by the Rotary Foundation are centred around these areas of focus:
Rotary Areas Of Focus
Sustainability is a key element to ensure projects lasting long after our direct involvement.

D1040 Foundation Committee
The District Organising Committee comprises The Lead member (Stephen Ellis), Secretary, Treasurer, Grants Sub-Lead plus three members, Scholars Officer, Polio Officer, Peace Fellows Officer and Foundation Webmaster. Other District members can attend as observers.
Half of every donation to Rotary Foundation by D1040 clubs is made available three years later to fund projects at home and abroad.

Overview of Grant Structure
Information about how the grant system works.
There are two common types of grant available to Clubs – District and Global.

District Grants
These are managed by our own District Grants Committee. The application process is quite simple. Clubs are expected to, at least, match-fund any grant awarded. There is normally a maximum grant of £1000 per project. Higher levels of Grant may be awarded if money is available and the project is worthwhile.
Clubs may apply for more than one Project Grant in any year but not exceeding £1,000 unless funds are available. Clubs may submit joint applications eg District Assistant Governor Groups

District Grants Criteria
- Support projects locally or overseas
- Must actively involve Club Rotarians in both the fulfilling of the initial project and in its on-going success
- Must adhere to one of the Areas of Focus listed above.
- Must annually submit a report to the District Foundation Grants Officer by the applicant to illustrate either the success of the Grant Project OR its progress to date. This is required for audit purposes by RI Foundation.

See the club support section of this website for the 2024-25 District 1040 grant application form with a deadline of 31 July 2024.  

Global Grants
1. Support larger scale projects overseas (Minimum Club involvement of $10,000 which is then supported by District and Foundation Grants to produce a minimum budget of $3500.
2. Must have a lead partner Rotary Club local to the project
3. Must actively involve Rotarians in leading and supporting Clubs both in fulfilling the initial project and its on-going success.
4. Must adhere to one of the Areas of Focus listed below
5. Must be reported upon by the applicants to the District Foundation Committee/Rotary Foundation at prescribed times illustrating the progress and success of the Grant Project. This is also required by The Rotary Foundation for audit purposes.
Support in the preparation of Global Grants is available from Richard Henton-Jones, Foundation Lead. See the District Support Team content drop down menu for direct contact with Stephen Ellis.
Global grants can be submitted at any time during the year.

Club Qualification
To be eligible for either a District or Global Grant, Clubs must be ‘qualified’. This requires nominated members of the Club who will take responsibility for the Grant Activity to attend a training session organised to support the grant application and management process.
Clubs, or their members, are encouraged to and expected to have contributed financially to the Rotary Foundation during the previous three years.

Areas of Focus
All projects to be supported by a Rotary Foundation Grant, District or Global, must conform to one of these areas of focus.
Rotary Areas Of Focus
In addition, Grant projects and activities must
- Support The Rotary Foundation (TRF) mission
- Support local or international humanitarian and service projects, scholarships or vocational training teams relating to the mission
- Adhere to TRF policies and applicable governing laws in the project location
- Exclude any liability to TRF
- Only fund activities that have been reviewed and approved before they start. Grants will not be approved to reimburse Clubs for projects already completed or in progress.
- Planning for grant activities ahead of approval is allowed and encouraged but expenses may not be incurred before approval
- Comply with the policy regarding the proper use of Rotary Marks

The Rotary Foundation encourages Rotarians to apply the following principles of sustainability to all project and activities:
- Incorporate activities that ensure the continuity of project impact after TRF funding is expended
- Work toward multiple levels of sustainability – economic, cultural, social and resource
- Make optimal use of local resources, regional input and indigenous knowledge
- Respect the natural resource base and avoid deterioration or destruction of the local environment
- Attempt to reach the greatest number of beneficiaries as appropriate
- Prepare scholars and individuals to contribute to new and innovative methods in professional fields reflected within a Foundation area of focus
- Prepare participants to increase impact and improve effectiveness in the communities and vocations in which they work.

An opportunity to read more:
The Rotary Foundation | Rotary International
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