Rotary International was the first organisation to imagine a world free of polio. Working with its global partners, Rotary is more committed than ever to delivering on its promise that, one day, no child will ever again be paralysed by or die of polio.
In 1985, 125 countries of the world were affected by polio with more than 350,000 cases reported annual, that is 1000 children dying of polio every day. By the autumn of 2020 with the news that Nigeria had been declared polio-free, only two countries remain affected by this debilitating and often fatal disease. Rotary International is committed to achieving its goal of global eradication and is working closely with Afghanistan and Pakistan to help them become the last two countries to be declared polio-free.
Rotary’s efforts are both international and local.
Whilst big players exist across the world (UNICEF, WHO, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation) combine their massive resources to work with Rotary on the great initiative to rid the world of polio, small local organisations play their part too. Clubs in our own district have an impressive track record of raising awareness of the disease, especially amongst our school-age children who have no direct experience of polio, and by raising money to fund research and vaccines.
The Gates Foundation has pledged $2 for every $1 raised by Rotary, ensuring that all efforts, however small, are effectively tripled. Through the monthly newsletter produced by the District’s End Polio Now Specialist, ideas of how our clubs are working towards this common aim are circulated amongst others to inspire efforts and ‘keep our foot on the gas’. As Bill Gates has said, we are only inches away now from achieving this amazing goal and to achieving our promise.
Other features of the newsletter will include information on specific fund-raising and awareness-raising activities, such as planting purple crocus corms each year and celebrating World Polio Day on the 24th October with dedicated events. There will be news of national immunisation programmes, when they are permitted, and how the effects of Covid-19 have impacted on the polio eradication initiatives.
An opportunity to read more:
Home | End PolioFor specific enquiries on how to get hold of these products, or for any other information on polio initiatives across the district ...
Please contact Janet Crampton, D1040 End Polio Now Coordinator,