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March 21, 2022
Rotary Great Britain and Ireland Membership Team March 2022 newsletter snippets

Starting to prepare for the next Rotary year We are at that time of year when as leaders, within our clubs and districts, we will be going through preparation for the next Rotary year. It is a vital part of your role to ensure that you have a successor to carry on your work. If you are […]

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February 26, 2022
Micro Loans Update February 2022

The Micro Loan Scheme in Sri Lanka in partnership with the Rotary Club of Kandy, District 3220 and the Centre for the Handicapped. In Sri Lanka the micro loan scheme has made a big difference to these Sri Lankans quality of life both financially and mentally as well as improving life for all of their […]

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August 27, 2021
How to loan the District’s Myth Busters banners to support your projects

There are 11 banners to share within the District. Each Assistant Governor holds one. Clubs makes contact as required: Bradford Assistant Governor  Caroline Murie Dales Assistant Governor Brian Stott Humber Assistant Governor Janet Drewery Inner Nine Assistant Governor Mike Gill Joint 10 Assistant Governor Derek Housley Leeds Assistant Governor Janet Appleton Lincolnshire North Assistant Governor […]

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August 27, 2021
Extreme heat warning and why it matters to Rotary

Kindly shared by the environmental specialist from our neighbouring District of South Yorkshire and East Midlands in July 2021.

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August 27, 2021
Copyright guidance

Copyright infringement holds dangers for Rotary clubs and their members. Thank you, to fellow Rotarians, for this very well sourced updated reference document which is an enhancement on RGBI guidance on the important matter. Whilst taking great care, please do not let it stop you being creative to reach out to new communities not represented […]

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August 27, 2021
The 9 Primary Purposes of this Website

Feedback welcome via our dedicated email:  1.  Publicly accessible with no ‘members only’ section, encouraging engagement of existing members and a shop window to reach out to new communities. 2.  Encourage club partnership working in city, town, geographical clusters. 3.  Encourage clubs to define what they are about through niche marketing. 4.  Helping guide potential new members to […]

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