July 24, 2021

Yorkshire and Lincolnshire Rotary £250,000 lockdown legacy

Our Clubs in Yorkshire and Lincolnshire have certainly lived up to its motto of ‘Service Above Self’ during lockdown, with almost a quarter of a million pounds worth of food being delivered to foodbanks and similar support groups. Despite COVID-19 and lockdown curtailing many projects, many Clubs worked within restrictions during the pandemic to support our communities.

In addition to the massive support for foodbanks, close to £30,000 has been donated for PPE on top of making 20,000 face masks and scrubs. Rotarians have been busy volunteering too, with over 6,000 volunteer hours at vaccination centres being recorded at the time of writing.

Throughout the region hundreds of smaller, but no less significant projects were completed, such as donating sanitary protection for those unable to afford it, feeding children breakfasts and lunches to ensure they didn’t miss out, donating laptops to schools, supporting local hospices, Christmas gift boxes for children and older people who may have had little cheer about during lockdown.

Stephen Ellis, District Governor for the region said: “The lockdown was certainly not going to stop Rotarians helping out their local communities. Some clubs galvanised the local community to make face masks and scrubs, which were not only essential items in themselves, but helped bring the community together and boost morale during difficult times.” He added: “I am so proud of the Rotarians for their contribution to date during the pandemic. When their regular events had to be cancelled, they came up with innovative ways of raising funds, such as virtual balloon races, Jumblebee online auctions, bob-a-job type activities and many sponsored walks to name a few, and then channeled the funds raised to help their local communities. Rotarians across the world always rise to the challenge following a crisis, and this one has been no different.” 

Here are some memorable images of Rotary supporting our local communities across Yorkshire and Lincolnshire during COVID-19.

Scarborough Scrubs in Action
Todmorden Rotary People of Action as they issue PPE
Face mask production by York Ainsty Rotary
Harrogate Brigantes Club's keeping spirits up with daily exercise
Knaresborough keeping spirits up with a photo competition
Calverley Rotary in Leeds supporting 'shop local' by working in partnership with Sutcliffe's of Farsley
Brigg Rotary – our communities need us
Bradford West Rotary foodbank support
Howden Rotary supporting their local community
Sowerby Bridge's Rotary own Captain Tom
Malton & Norton Rotary deliver laptops to 6 primary schools
Settle Rotary supporting home schooling
Normanton Rotary win Conexus Healthcare Award, having been nominated by King's Medical Practice Vaccination Hub
A COVID-19 vaccine team supported by Normanton Rotary
Wensleydale Rotary leading the way in Leyburn
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