Update from Rotary International Great Britain and Ireland
£4 million plus is the estimated figure of cash and goods donated for Ukraine by Rotarians across Rotary in Great Britain and Ireland in 15 weeks
See the 1 July 2022 update at the foot of this article for more national detail.
Update from Rotary in large parts of Yorkshire and Lincolnshire
Rotary Clubs across District 1040 and District 4 Inner Wheel Clubs have continued to organise collections and activities in support of Ukraine. To date we have received over £120.000 from Rotary Clubs, Inner Wheel Clubs and private donations.
Updates on Phase 1 - Immediate Support
Given the ongoing situation we are keeping phase 1 of the appeal open so that clubs can continue to send any money donations to the District Charity account, via Rtn. David Robinson, our District Treasurer. Individual clubs are continuing their efforts and sending money and items directly to their Rotary contacts in Ukraine and clubs close to the borders.
As of the 24 June 2022, we have raised £124,761 from Clubs, Inner Wheel and Individual donations and have received an additional £20,000 from the Disaster Response Grant.
To date we have sent :-
We have had one request in to date regarding money from the Disaster Response Grant of £536
This leaves £31,708 remaining.
People of Action report since our last update
In April we spent £24,999 to purchase medical supplies for Ukraine including medical action bags like those shown below:
Given how useful these medical bags have been, we have just agreed to send a further 30 kits, at a total cost £25,000.
We are also sending £7,000 to Physionet to help them to send more equipment out to Ukraine. This will be managed by the Rotary Club of Knaresborough.
Here is an example illustrating People of Action as our Rotary Shoeboxes have an impact. Posted by The Rotary Club of Soroca in Moldova on 19 June 2022.
Phase 2 Intermediate
We are still continuing to ask clubs to send in donations to support the immediate and intermediate needs. We are starting to move into the more intermediate support required, both in Yorkshire and Lincolnshire and in Ukraine.
To support this stage we have now received a Rotary Disaster Response Grant to support Ukrainian families settling in District 1040. This has given us an additional £20,000 to use across the District. The equivalent of £1,750 per Assistant Governor area. To supplement this we have agreed to designate some of the remaining money to areas requesting additional funding for local projects.
Action Required
1.If you have a viable project to support Ukraine visitors in the UK please contact your Assistant Governor in the first instance for further information. In those areas where there is no Assistant Governor please contact District Governor Stephen Ellis or after 1 July Malcolm Tagg or myself for more details.
2.Complete the form provided by your Assistant Governor giving details of any projects you would like to take forward in your area. These need to be back with your Assistant Governor ideally by the end of June 2022.
Thank you to all Rotary and Inner Clubs that have sent donations to the District Charity Account and also those sending much needed aid directly through your own contacts in Ukraine and across the borders.
Other ways you can help
Food, medicine and fresh clean water remain priorities.
Aquabox and Water Aid UK are joining forces to get much need water filters across to Ukraine. For more information see:
Aquabox water filters and emergency supplies around the world
Clean Water, Decent Toilets and Good Hygiene | WaterAid UK
In Ukraine, over 2,000 mattresses have been distributed to collective centres. More than 250 families have received household items and aid with shelter, whilst 500 family hygiene kits have also been distributed.
For more information regarding Shelterbox see Emergency Disaster Relief - ShelterBox
Finally, please keep giving as the need is still high. Also please share your impactful stories with John Hodge, our Public Image Lead.
Thank you again for all your continuing help and support for Ukraine.
If you need direct contact details for the people listed in the article then please use the District Support Team form: Support Team Contact - Rotary District 1040 (ylrotary.org.uk)
Carol Jordan
District 1040 International Chair
Update from Rotary International Great Britain and Ireland