New Rotary Passport Club - The Rotary Club of Adventurers
A new District Passport club was launched on 1 July 2022 - The Rotary Club of Adventurers. The club’s primary objective is to bring new members to the Rotary family.
A Rotary club that gives its members a more flexible club experience by:
Encouraging its members to visit other clubs and participate in their club activities
Offering a variety of meeting formats
They are “proper” Rotary clubs, passport clubs have normal club officers.
These flexible options are appealing to some members while traditional clubs remain appealing to others
It’s a different way of “doing Rotary”.
How do passport clubs work?
Meet less frequently using online media such as Zoom or Teams.
Focused on service projects
Set affordable fees to cover RI, District and club dues.
Measure club health by participation rather than attendance
The opportunity to move freely from club to club, attending those meetings and participating in those projects of specific interest to the member.
Benefits of a passport club
Flexibility: Accommodates members’ busy schedules, allowing them more choices for fitting Rotary into their lives. Appeals to those who don’t want to / can’t attend weekly meetings
Affordability: Costs are kept to a minimum because meetings don’t include meals.
Broad appeal: A passport club appeals to people who wouldn’t join a more traditional club and helps keep people who might otherwise leave Rotary.
More connections: Members quickly build relationships locally, across the district and beyond bringing new ideas to their club
Stronger service projects: Connecting with members of other clubs presents opportunities for clubs to partner on service projects to create greater impact.
The Rotary Club of Adventurers will NOT be poaching existing Rotarians, however, if you are considering leaving Rotary because for whatever reasons your current club is not meeting your needs, then please consider Adventurers before leaving the Rotary family.
Over time, as there are geographic pockets of members, we see satellite passport clubs emerging.