June 23, 2021

National Community Champion Award Winners

Congratulations to Ash Razzaq (nominated by Roundhay Rotary) from Leeds and Issy Sanderson (nominated by York Ainsty Rotary) from York, on winning national Rotary Community Champion Awards.

Ash has been working tirelessly on CATCH for over 10 years, to improve the lives of young people in the heart of a challenging and diverse area of Leeds. The principle of CATCH is to create a safe space for children to meet, play, socialise, learn, grow and divert from anti-social behaviour and crime.

Over the last few years, the project has rapidly expanded and has now funded a centre for young people in the area to come and play within a safe environment. It allows children and young adults to grow and encourage opportunities which they may not have had before.

CATCH has helped tackle problems, build confidence, and work collaboratively to improve outcomes for young people. The project has been recognised within its region for all it is contributing to the community by winning awards such as ‘Best place in Leeds for Children and Young People 2018’.

An opportunity to find out more

Champions Awards - Sheenah Nelson and Ash Razzaq - Rotary in Great Britain and Ireland (rotarygbi.org)

The Rotary Club of Roundhay Leeds | we are People of Action (roundhayrotaryclub.co.uk)

CATCH - Community Action To Create Hope (catchleeds.co.uk)

The Rotary Club of Roundhay | Facebook

Issy, a member of York Ainsty Rotary Club

Issy has drawn on her experience from living and working in developing countries, where she ran self-help projects in poor communities, to help tackle the suffering of girls and women who do not have access to feminine hygiene products.

The Yorkits Project runs hands-on workshops where volunteers come together to make washable and easy to use feminine hygiene kits so girls, who often don’t attend school whilst menstruating, can have access to uninterrupted schooling.

Yorkits has helped to highlight the issue of period poverty overseas and in the UK. The kits have changed lives, particularly in Africa and Asia, giving thousands of girls’ access to uninterrupted education, and giving women in the community the means to make their own self-help kits, tackling ‘period poverty’ internationally.

An opportunity to find out more

Champions Awards - Issy Sanderson and Rachel Holliday - Rotary in Great Britain and Ireland (rotarygbi.org)

York Rotarian Issy Sanderson wins national award | York Press

Rotary York Ainsty - welcome. (rotary-ribi.org)

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