October 30, 2023

Mental Health: A Rotary Priority

Making Mental Health and Wellbeing a Rotary Priority

RI President Gordon McInally has proposed that Rotary makes mental health a priority, He argues that Rotarians and clubs are ideally placed to erase the stigma around caring about emotional wellbeing; raising awareness of mental health needs and working to improve access to mental health services.

But Rotary has many priorities, not least .in our case, the significantly aging membership in our District. So why should we pay attention to mental health and wellbeing?  MIND says that 1:4 people will have a mental health problem of some kind in any year and 1:6 people will experience a common mental health problem like anxiety or depression in any week. Worrying figures made more worrisome by the World Health Organisation (WHO) research which shows that people with mental health conditions can predispose them to other health issues like diabetes and heart attacks. Alternatively having a significant health challenge can put someone at higher risk of developing depression. Surely then emotional wellbeing is a priority for a membership predominantly over 70.

Who should respond to the mental health and wellbeing priority?

“ Everyone in Rotary has a role in this effort. We don’t need to be mental health professionals to make a positive difference. We can treat others with care, respect, and dignity. We can ensure that people feel valued through a smile, a phone call, a visit, or another caring gesture. We can talk openly about mental health, let people know they’re not alone, and encourage them to get treatment if necessary. By putting a greater focus on emotional well-being throughout the Rotary world, we can make an incredible impact.” Gordon McInally.

 {Photo Rotary]

Tips to support Mental Health and Well-Being

Tips to Support Mental Health and Wellbeing.docx

[Photo FINN @Unpslash]

Additional Sources of Support

Rotarians4MentalHealth https://rotary-site.org/rotarians4mentalhealth

NHS  phone App > Find NHS services near you > Mental Health Services

NHS Top tips mental health and wellbeing/MIND Talking to a GP about mental health
Tips for coping with depressionCoping with panic attacks
MIND Services in a mental health crisis 
NHS Suicidal thoughtsSupporting someone with suicidal thoughts
NCFE Certificate in Understanding Mental Health First Aid and Mental Health Advocacy in the Workplace
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