October 27, 2021

Highlights from our Virtual Rotary District Yorkshire and Northern Lincolnshire Conference on 9th October 2021

District Governor Stephen Ellis welcomed everyone from our studio in Bradford. Screen print only.

Following on from District Governor Stephen’s Ellis’s direct message to all Rotarians in our District, here you will find some take-ways from our conference. More highlights arriving in November 2021.

Nikki Scott, a Rotary International Director, presentation was entitled ‘The Real Value of Rotary’ and focused on bridging the gap between the past and future Rotary. Nikki recommend people view a TED Talk that has had over 8 million views since 2009.
Start with why -- how great leaders inspire action | Simon Sinek | TEDxPugetSound - YouTube
Ash Razzaq, a national Rotary champion of change, explained how he has been involved in the development of CATCH in Leeds, to help young people tackle life's possible pitfalls.

A highlight of Ash’s presentation was sharing the pitfalls for young people.
Do get in touch if your would like to take the opportunity to chat
Pat Taylor, Youth Lead has complied a summary of Youth in Action which includes, Rotakids, Interact, Rotary Youth Development under Sail (RYDuS) and Rotary Youth Leadership Awards (RYLA)

Rupert and Colin in conversation about homelessness in our Bradford studio. Rupert is a Rotarian and Colin is a homelessness ambassador. Screen print only.

Colin “the hardest thing is admitting you have problems” and “accept the help and support”
Colin “not just Calderdale that has homeless people”
Colin shares his story of homelessness

Pat Mirfield, District 4 Inner Wheel President, explained that Inner Wheel is an international service organisation for women, open to all who share its aims and ideals.
An opportunity to find out more from innerwheel4@gmail.com
Dave King, Rotary Magazine Editor, in conversation in our Bradford studio, with Jayne Senior MBE, a sex abuse Whistleblower. Screen print only.
John Hodge, Public Image Lead, highlights Northallerton's and Sowerby Bridge's Around the Town along with Bradford Soup that provides opportunities for funding local entrepreneurs and non-profits.

Lorraine Hayman Rotary Peace Scholar Lorraine is an education enthusiast with over 12 of experience in international education as a teacher, student, and researcher. Currently residing in Tokyo, Japan, she is a Rotary Peace Fellow, recently graduating with a master’s degree with honours in Social and Cultural Analysis from International Christian University.

Why I became a Rotarian? Anne Sutcliffe, our District Membership Lead, shares Rotary Great Britain and Ireland videos and chats to Rotarians in our District of Yorkshire and Lincolnshire D1040.

Robert Morphet updated everyone on our new Honorary Member
Our Honorary Member
Our's is the nimble D class

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